How Do You Termite Proof a House? Termites are insects that have a voracious appetite for anything cellulosic. They love to eat wood, and will eagerly tear through the walls of your home until they find something to feast on. They’re also notably hardy creatures, able to withstand extreme climates and dehydration.
There are in fact over 2000 different species of termites, but they can all be classified into two groups – subterranean termites, and drywood termites. The following are ways how you can termite proof a House:
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The first thing you should do is to eliminate all standing water from your home. This can be tricky to do because most people don’t realize they have standing water in the first place. For example, you might think that a puddle is just rainwater, but termites can travel through 100 feet of it and still live.
You should seal any possible holes around the exterior of your home. This includes vents, cracks, windows, doors, and other openings. The areas to focus on are those that are made from framed wood or siding, like windows and doors. Any gaps you see can be filled with a termite control product such as foam.
If you see any termites in your home marking it as their “home”, prevent them from leaving by blocking any openings or cracks they might use to do so. This means closing up vents and cracks for ventilation, caulking all cracks and crevices which are used by termites for entry, and sealing off other potential entrances such as doors and windows.
This part is crucial to creating an overall termite-proof home. If you’ve found a leak in the home and can’t fix it, call a professional. Even if the leak seems too minor to repair, it’s worth doing because it may just be enough for termites to gain access. If any standing water is present around where you live (pools of rain, leaky pipes, etc…) contact a pest control professional immediately.
When storing wood in your home, double-check that it’s dry. The best way to make sure your wood is moisture-free is to store it in a large plastic garbage bag and zip lock it up. This will keep the moisture out of the wood, and help you easily spot any termite damage. It’s easy to tell if your wood is still wet by looking inside with a flashlight at the base of the log. If there is moisture at this location, you have termites in your home.
You should be careful to declutter your home. While this is an important part of keeping the structures of your home neat, it’s also a great way to keep away termites. To keep room clutter out of view, consider installing clear front doors or window panels. The clear panels will allow sunlight inside and make cleaning much easier. You should also remove all items from your attic and store them in the garage.
If you’ve found a termite infestation and want to remove the entire colony, it’s important to take note of where there are stacks of wood. This doesn’t just include piles you see on the ground, but also those that are in your home.
Once you’ve collected this information (whether you find the termites in your home or discover a colony outside of it), make sure that you destroy any woodpiles in your yard. Set them on fire so that any termites inside will be destroyed. To make this process even easier, send in a trained professional as soon as possible.
Seal off all the cracks and crevices where termites can hide in your home. This means covering all possible areas which termites might use to get inside. You should also be careful to monitor what color and type of wood you are using because that can attract them as well.
If you have any wood in contact with the ground, termites will most certainly get inside your home. So it’s crucial that you take all wooden objects and move them up a few feet. Furniture that stands directly on the ground should be placed on sawhorses or other non-wooden furniture to avoid any risk of termites getting into the wood.
One of the most important things to do is to maintain continuous airflow throughout the home. You should replace any vents that can become clogged with dust or dirt, especially in areas where there are lots of wood and large piles. The outside of the vents should also get a yearly inspection in case they are blocked. If this is necessary, you can hire a professional who will be able to fix them for you.
The most important thing to do when attempting to prevent termites is to check moisture levels near the foundation. You need to check that there isn’t standing water anywhere near the foundation of your home. This is one of the best ways that you can tell if your home has or will get termites.
To prevent termite problems, you should call a professional pest control company. As mentioned earlier, it’s important to do this as soon as you find out that you have a termite infestation. A company such as Termite Solutions will be able to handle any of your needs regarding termite problems.
Termites are one of the most common problems associated with home maintenance. Termites may not be the most pleasant thing to see in a home, but they are constantly feeding off your wood and causing all sorts of damage.
They do this by cutting holes in your wood, chewing on it, and causing it to fall apart, and they’ll even eat the wooden parts that were once in your home. However, if you follow these steps, you’ll be able to prevent termite problems from occurring again.