Booklice also known as Psocids are 1 to 2 mm in length tiny insects that resemble lice. They are not actually lice neither are they found in books alone. They love humid places due to the fact that they feed on mold and fungi that grows on these places. This means that they can be found anywhere in your home where there is enough humidity. Though harmless, they can be a nuisance when their numbers increase. They do not bite, cause noticeable damage or spread diseases but they can still be very annoying. When they invade food stuffs especially flour, you have no choice but to get rid of it because it might not be fit for human consumption.
When they are left to multiply, it might be hard to completely get rid of them unless you use pest control services. These tiny insects can be found in books, the kitchen, cupboards, walls and ceilings as long as the area is humid enough for them to live comfortably and get enough food. You can also find them around leaking pipes and taps. They multiply very fast where a nymph, which resembles an adult psocid reaches maturity in a month, when conditions are favourable. What should you do when you suspect your home has been infested by booklice?
Call in an Expert
Sometimes, you may not actually know what to do when you suspect you have a pest issue. Some pests are hard to differentiate. For instance, booklice resemble white lice but they are not actually the same. Without proper understanding, you may think you have a lice infestation when it is just the booklice. Some people also confuse booklice with bedbugs. Consulting a pest control expert will help determine the actual infestation and the magnitude. It will also help in addressing issues such as how to get rid of the pests. Identifying a reputable expert is important. It will ensure that the problem is dealt with fast and effectively. It will also ensure that you do not spend more than you should and the whole process is safe for you and everyone else in the premise including your pets. In addition, an expert will be able to detect all the areas that have been infested by the pests. Some of these areas you might not even know. So what should you be looking for when sourcing out for pest control services?
Level of Experience
It takes experience to know how to handle different infestations. Having the necessary skills is also important but one gets better at this when in practise for some time. This is also required when finding the places the pests are hiding. Pest control professionals main job is to inspect infested locations and determine appropriate measures to curb the menace. Different infestations require different fumigation methods and so do different locations. For booklice, once you detect where they are hiding, its important that you not only get rid of them but ensure even the eggs are destroyed too. This eradicates the pests completely.
Is the Company Reliable?
When fumigation is being carried out, you may have to stay around to supervise the process. Most people in Singapore have demanding jobs that hardly give them time to attend to other obligations. It can be frustrating when you set a certain day aside for the activity only for the company to postpone or fail to complete the work on time. You should find out in advance whether you can rely on their services. Are they dependable? Do they fulfil promises? Are their dealings professional, honest and reliable? Are the employees friendly, helpful and easy to work with? These are things you can easily find out from others who have tried out the services. You can check online reviews or contact those who have worked with the company before. Reputable companies and experts can offer to connect you with their former clients.
Fumigation Methods to be Used
There are different methods a pest control expert can use to get rid of booklice. The most important thing to consider is the effectiveness of the method and safety for those around. When using chemical products, ensure that they do not come into contact with humans, pets and food substances. Most experts nowadays go for less harmful and eco-friendly products that are effective when dealing with the problem. You will not have to leave your home when being fumigated. It’s also important to know how long the process will take, how effective it is and when to expect results. Some methods kill the pests instantly while there are others that do this slowly over time.
How Much will it Cost
This will depend on the service provider you choose to work with, the extent of the infestation and the area to be covered. Although it is good to work within your budget, when seeking for pest control services, going for reputable companies that guarantee to totally get rid of the infestation is more important. Compromising on the quality of services you get might rid to an even greater infestation which sometimes may force you to throw away some of the things affected most such as furniture and books.
Note that getting rid of the problem is not enough. Adopting measures that ensure the problem does not reoccur is important. A professional pest control company can educate you on how to get rid of booklice and ensure they do not reappear. In order to do this, it is important that you understand the insects better.
As noted earlier, these pests feed on mold and fungi therefore, they are more likely to be found in humid, cold and dark places. It’s important that you change their environment by ensuring the premise is well aerated, dehumidified and dry. You can use dehumidifiers around the premise. Also ensure you dust and clean the area regularly and fix any leaking pipes. Foods should be stored in tightly sealed containers to ensure the pests to do not contaminate. Booklice can get their way into paper packaging therefore, it is advisable that you transfer all foods to plastic containers and seal well.