When it comes to pest management, pest control and pest follow-up, you too can become active. Take, for example, simple hygienic precautionary measures and be vigilant to detect a pest infestation at an early stage. In the case of low pest infestation, use simple (home) pesticides. Of course you should in case of a serious infestation in time to hire a professional pest control. This will save you time, money and nerves and save yourself and your roommates or customers from worse.
Purchasing food:
• Do not spend too much on (perishable) food.
• Check newly purchased products for any defects (packaging, product appearance, mold, pest infestation).
• Pay attention to requirements for durability and storage, which you can see from the labels on the packaging.
Storage of stocks:
• Protect your supplies from external influences such as light, heat or moisture through a suitable storage location or a suitable storage method with appropriate tools (eg tightly sealable sturdy storage containers, clips for closing packaging).
• Keep your pantries or pantry generally tidy, clear and clean (no dust, food scraps, spider webs). Provide equipment (cabinets, floors, etc.) that facilitates hygienic cleaning. Pay attention to the smallest niches, where pests can nest unnoticed and seal them at best (eg with silicone). Regularly carry out a thorough cleaning by completely emptying, cleaning and disinfecting pantries or pantries.
• Store your supplies so that the older foods are placed in front of the newer ones and are therefore consumed first.
• Check your supplies regularly and discard expired or salient food. Check first the best before date, then look and smell and finally the taste.
General measures in the household:
• When preparing and consuming foodstuffs, be sure to remove bread crumbs, flour dust, and other minor food scraps immediately because they are a scavenger to many pests.
• In general, you should put a lot of emphasis on cleanliness (do the dishes quickly, sweep regularly, vacuum, wipe with a damp cloth, wipe dust, etc.).
• Use trash can with lid. Remove waste, especially bio-waste, from the house as often as possible (at least daily so that the waste does not remain overnight). Use tightly closed garbage bags.
• Ventilate regularly and sensibly (effective ventilation) and heat sufficiently in the cold season. Only with sufficient ventilation and heating can mold be avoided. This is important because some pests feed on mold spores. In this context, it should also be noted that a specific airing of textiles (clothing, curtains, bed linen, etc.) is recommended.
• Avoid unnecessarily switching on many lights at night, as the light attracts many pests.
• Scare pests of fragrances that they avoid. It offers, for example, fragrance bags, scented balls or scent sticks that smell of lavender, laurel, juniper, lemon or similar.
• Target traps for pests or, at best, use harmless chemicals after comprehensive advice on the field of application and the exact method of use.
Measures on and around the house:
• Gasket joints or holes on windows, doors, and house walls carefully to prevent the ingress of pests. It is also useful to attach fly screens to windows. In addition, should be thought of closing doors that lead to the outside.
• Avoid bird nests or dovecotes in the immediate vicinity of the house.
• Some pests can also be driven by appropriate plants, very often it is wild herbs that have a positive effect.
As a resident of the house they are usually perceived as disturbing or disgusting: pests. The small animal can do a lot at the house or in the garden. Which measures are open to the individual? This is important to consider in pest control:
Four types of pests
Before you start with the pest control, it should be clear which small animal is in this case. In general, pests can be subdivided into different groups. Material pests mainly affect work materials such as wood, textiles or paper. Stock pests prefer food and make it inedible. Hygiene pests are those that can transmit diseases and cause allergies. Lästlingen is one of those who find people disgusting or disturbing.
Three methods of pest control
The pest control is generally possible through various measures: chemical, physical or biological control of pests are used differently. Each of these measures has various advantages as well as disadvantages and differs with regard to the respective efficiency.
Get trapped!
In the physical control of pests, pest-specific traps are set up. The best example of this is the classic mousetrap. Often the pest is lured into the trap with the help of a certain smell and ultimately dies in it.
To get rid of pests and vermin, many people resort to drastic measures. But insecticides are often counterproductive. Because sprayed surfaces are useless for the creepy-crawlies, because they smell with their feet. The result: The vermin flees from the poison in even more hidden cracks, angles and corners.
It also warns about fitted kitchens because the appliances and cabinets can not be moved. “The condensation on the back of the refrigerator, for example, is a drinking water source for cockroaches,” says the biologist. Best of all, you do not let it get that far – and make sure that the pests do not even penetrate the house. Their preferences like warm and humid places should not be offered especially in winter.
Toxic or biological solution?
In the chemical pest control predominantly poisons are used, which paralyze the affected pests and ultimately destroy them. In biological pest control, however, targeted natural enemies of the pest are exposed to destroy the corresponding pest. This allows ducks in gardens to help eliminate snails. This variant is nowadays preferred by many people, because this is a “humane” way of pest control.
What precautions can I take?
You can take precautionary measures so that you do not have to fight in the house or garden, small animals. For example, sealing joints is one of these options because pests are happy to use small joints as a breeding ground or hiding place. In addition, it is recommended to store open food supplies in lockable containers, because the scent of food often attracts pests.