NEA Mosquito Fogging – Given its hot and humid weather, Singapore is a hub for mosquitoes all year round. The regular mosquito invasions affect the life of locals a lot. People have to protect themselves all the time, spending money on mosquito fighting agents and devices.
In worst cases, harmful mosquitoes, like Aedes, can make people sick. This means going through a treatment, which affects people’s daily plans and plans for the future. They can’t go to work, adopting a sedentary lifestyle, and staying most of the time at home.
Aside from the fact that people lose productivity, businesses risk being less successful, if employees get sick.
This is why there is a need to fight mosquitoes on regular basis. NEA is the Singapore state authority that is responsible for reducing mosquito populations affecting the country. Apart from being annoying and noisy, mosquitoes are also viruses and disease carriers.
NEA has to destroy mosquito habitats to prevent a mass infection of the Singapore population. For that, the agency conducts a set of control operations that aim to combat mosquitoes at all stages of their life.
They perform misting using insecticides in houses, offices, hospitals, schools, and other indoor locations. Going outdoor, they are using fogging on streets and building facades. They also use oiling on water surfaces to destroy mosquito larvae.
At the same time, NEA cooperates with business owners. The agency encourages them to disinfect their premises and take measures to prevent the growth of mosquito populations.
In addition, NEA comes with informative notes to homeowners explaining to them how to fight mosquitoes efficiently. Homeowners should change the water in flower vases often. Also, they must turn pails upside down so that mosquitoes don’t start breed in their moist environment.
NEA uses fogging to kill mosquitoes found outdoors. The operation involves cars with a spray machine installed on them that move through city streets spreading a powerful pesticide.
Since the operation doesn’t take place indoors, where it can damage furniture, NEA uses harsher chemicals for outdoor fogging. Still, the pesticide is still dangerous even if applied on streets.
This is why, before fogging, the agency notifies residents about the upcoming operation. They recommend people to stay home as a security measure, otherwise the pesticide can harm the respiratory system.
Also, homeowners must close the windows and doors during fogging, so that pesticide doesn’t get inside the house.
NEA mosquito fogging takes place usually in morning and evening hours. The reasons for that are two. First of all, these are the hours when mosquitoes are more active. Secondly, the temperature is lower during these times, which allow pesticide stay longer on the ground and contact with the insects.
Fogging works only with active mosquitoes, which are the adult ones. This is why it does not help much in the eradication of mosquito breeding habitats. Even if you use fogging daily, it would not help stop the breeding and spreading of mosquitoes.
That is, a NEA fogging session kills adult insects, but after hours or days new batches of mosquitoes appear. In this way, repeated fogging can save for a moment, but it cannot serve as a long-term measure.
From these considerations, NEA insists on source control. They encourage office owners and homeowners to apply preventive measures not to allow the creation of new mosquito habitats.
Besides fogging, NEA has a set of other tools to tackle mosquitoes. First of all, it is oiling of water surfaces where new mosquito populations breed. To prevent an invasion of adult mosquitoes, NEA targets directly the larvae.
In this way, NEA reduces the number of mosquito habitats. Alongside that, the agency ensures a lower infection rate, keeping people living in Singapore healthy and safe.
Moreover, NEA carries out an operation called misting. This is a type of fogging aimed for indoor facilties, such as: homes, offices, commercial areas, hospitals and so on. Even if the insecticide used is less harsh, the agency still recommends people to be cautious.
During misting, children, the elderly, and pets must leave the house. Otherwise, the chemical would cause breathing problems and harm skin and eyes.